

As-salam-u– alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you and provide you with information about Afifah School. Our aim is to nurture to empowers pupils to become responsible Muslim citizens who contribute to the well-being of themselves, their family and the community they live in.

Muslim parents not so long ago had to choose between giving their children either a purely secular education in state school, at the expense of an Islamic teaching and upbringing or providing them with Islamic education, at the expense of academic excellence. Thankfully, the educational landscape has now significantly improved, with the establishment of many Islamic schools that provide a high standard of education as well as succeeding in inculcating an Islamic ethos into the lives of students.

Islam attaches great importance to seeking knowledge and thereafter acting upon it. The very first Quranic verse to be revealed was about education. There are also countless Ahaadeeth (narrations) relating to the importance and virtues of seeking knowledge. Furthermore, the blessed Seerah confirms that the Noble Prophet (SAW) freed numerous prisoners of war after the Battle of Badr, as they had agreed to teach the Muslims how to read and write.

Our committed and motivated teachers make each child a focal point as we have small class sizes. The class monitoring of each student and attention to detail has in turn lead to academic excellence, producing knowledgeable students who are taught in a safe and caring Islamic environment.

 I invite you to visit our school and realise the potential your child can achieve here.

Wa Alaykum As Salaam

Abdul Huy Malek LLB(Hons)