Lateral Flow Test

As per the latest government guidance, a very big element of being able to return pupils to in-school learning safely is the mass COVID testing of secondary pupils and staff which the government has asked schools to facilitate.

The tests are called Lateral Flow Tests (LFT) and they will help us to identify individuals who may be carrying the virus but are asymptomatic (not showing any of the typical symptoms of COVID). This is especially important for young people as research shows that young people can be carrying the virus but often display very mild or have no symptoms at all. Identifying and isolating these cases is vital in the fight to stop the spread of the virus within our community. Inshallah, it is our hope that, with your cooperation, we will be able to test the vast majority of our school community and be able to return to in-school learning safe in the knowledge that the school is as virus-free as we can make it. If your child has a positive test result, the school will contact you regarding the next steps for you and your child.

We are now asking parents/carers of all secondary pupils to give their consent to allow your child/children to participate in this testing programme. If you give your consent, your child will have 3 tests administered in school between 8th-18th March. We will then provide your child with home testing kits so that the tests can be administered at home twice weekly. It is very important that you submit your response regarding consent, as soon as possible so that we can plan ahead.


The link for the consent form:


How the test will be conducted: